We launched the Williamstown workshop of Redhand Legacy ten days before a staged reading of the play Redhand Guitar.
Audience-participants who had opted in to the experience received a daily email from the character Dawson Lu.
The first email (above) led to a brief video:
The video dropped them to a page with a virtual cigar box in which there was a collection of letters, photographs, and other items.
Participants could click on an artifact in the box and be directed to its artifact page.
On subsequent days, participants received additional emails, each with a question which related to Dawson’s experience and underlying themes of Redhand Guitar.
Participants answered the daily question and were directed to a page where they could see their own anonymous response and the responses of others.
As the experience progressed, additional content was posted in the comments section of each artifact page where Dawson and members of her community, both real and virtual (scripted) could add their thoughts.
To explore the site, go to redhandLegacy.com. To get a sense of how the narrative experience unfolded over time, see The Narrative Begins and The Narrative Continues Day 5 and Day 7.